Thursday, November 14, 2013




Monday, September 23, 2013







こちらは、 ゆったりフィジオを楽しめます。

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Good news

Good News

I have officially decided to go back to Japan and work as a physio centred in Tokyo!!!  ^^

I will look forward to a new adventure and another chapter of my life. Strange enough, I feel no worries or fear, just really looking forward to the uncertainties that this plan holds for me!





Another Good News

 i have lost a very good friend of mine. A person (she was foreign to Australia) who has had a special room in my heart for me has decided to move on and things will probably never be the same again. Very difficult to read what she has in her mind at times and seems to be always hunting for better opportunities and she probably have found a better person away from Australia. ^^ All the best for my friend and I really wish her a good luck !!

I know, with this loss, I'm up for a chance that may change my life and I would not like to make this incident a bad news so I will take it as a challenge to start all over again ^^ Things don't work out at times and I dont expect things to be as planned and perfect. But I know where i wanna be at in the future and I am very positive that im making the bestest decision i have in hand every moment. I would have to move on no matter what happens and I would like to trust in myself that it will be another good journey ^^

Salute,everyone! and enjoy yourselves !!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013




IELTSOETがありますが、IELTSのほうが主流ですし、永住権取得のときもIELTSでテストされます。僕も個人的に永住権のために受けました。オーストラリアに10年ぐらい取得時居ましたが、結構癖のあるテストなので一応予習は必要でした。僕の知ってる限り、日本の理学療法士でIELTSで7を各セクションで取れたのは、僕の師匠だけです(彼は日本で取ったようです)。 毎年移民者が増えているので、テストで振り落とし方もえげつなくなっているみたいです。はっきり言って、90パーの人はここで苦戦するみたいですが、がんばっていきましょう!^^

AUSTRALIAN PHYSIOTHERAPY BOARDという免許発行、監視、更新などを取り扱う協会があります。(

それにつながりのあるAUSTRALIAN PHYSIOTHERAPY COUNCILが海外資格取得者を審査する機関であり、その下で試験を行い、免許取得できるかが試されます。これは、あくまで免許取得に必要な項目の一つに過ぎません。

  • コストは現時点ではトータルでAUD9000ぐらいかと。これプラスで免許代 ($199) もかかるし、英語のテスト代も考慮するとAUD10,000はかかるようです。( やっぱり、高いですね (汗)

  1. イニシャル(初期)試験
  2. 筆記試験
  3. クリニカル(臨床)試験

というところで、次号に持ち越しましょう。笑 (時間をとるのも最近大変なので)^^

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post- Total Hip Replacement rehabilitation (人工股関節全置換術後のリハビリテーション)

I went back to review re post THP rehabilitation the other day. I'm gonna put this on just to remind myself so that i can always come back and review as well. (saves me time from reading articles again)



According to Okoro et al. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology 2012, 4:5

’Standard physiotherapy’, (i.e. not involving resistance training) following major surgery enables most patients to regain basal levels of function but leaves them with significant muscle wasting as it lacks the intensity of exercise required to elicit muscle hypertrophy. The most commonly used rehabilitation regimes for it seems that elderly individuals are based on functional types of exercises without external loading. However, this type of intervention not only fails to elicit increases in muscle mass but does not prevent further muscle atrophy.
In contrast, high-intensity PRT is an extremely effective and safe method for inducing muscle hypertrophy and increasing muscle strength and subsequently improving functional performance in healthy individuals, those with chronic disease e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, and the elderly.

interestingly, these authors described that 

An unpublished survey from our institution of physiotherapy practice around the UK after THR revealed that 73% of qualified physiotherapists knew what progressive resistance training entailed but only 32% used it in their prescribed programs after THR.

術前の時点でかなり筋肉量また機能性も著しく低下していますから、術後1年たっても、低下したままなんて報告もありますから、注意が必要です。 (ROMと痛みは改善してるけど、機能性は回復してないみたいです、標準のリハでは)

まず、術後にて注意事項を箇条書きにしていきます。 (Total hip arthroplasty - By Mark A. Brimer)

脱臼は必ず避けていきましょう!(Avoid dislocation forces at hip, which are a combination of hip flexion, adduction and internal rotation; no hip flexion greater than 90)

 Initial 6 weeks (術後6週間まで)

1. Most THA procedures require the presence of an abduction pillow or wedge placed between the legs when the patient is in bed or in a wheelchair.

2. Patients are cautioned not to exceed 90 of flexion of the operative hip.

3. Passive or forcible movement of the hip that causes pain is contraindicated.

4. Internal rotation and adduction are contraindicated.

5. The patient is encouraged to perform active ankle exercises (rhythmic active dorsal and plantar flexion) frequently during the first few days postoperatively to prevent thrombophlebitis.

6. No weight-bearing or standing should take place unless under the direct supervision of the physical therapist.

7. Transfers and log-rolling should be performed away from the operative side, with the leg supported by a staff member.

(From Echternach J 1990 Physical Therapy of the Hip. Churchill Livingstone, New York)

Strengthening rehabilitation (筋トレリハビリ)

  • In the 6 weeks following surgery, rehabilitation should focus on hip abduction (presuming no contraindications exist) and mild hip flexor and extensor strengthening. 

  • The patient may progress tostanding with full weight-bearing, as permitted by the surgeon. 

  • A patient who has undergone the cementless technique may be required to maintain limited weight-bearing until sufficient new bone growth can be seen by the physician on a radiograph. 

  • A falls risk assessment should be part of the continuous re-examination process during rehabilitation.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

エクササイズ -意外と難しい

臨床に携わっている人なら、誰でも患者が戻って来たとき、”エクササイズで痛くなった。” や、


肩のSLAP REPAIR と ANTERIOR CAPSULOLABRAL REPAIR術後の最新の リハビリプロトコールを見て、ちゃんと段階を経てエクササイズのタイプを変えていかないとなあ~って改めて反省しました。 (ちなみに文献はLeggin B.G., Sheridan S., & Eckenrode B.J. (2012). Rehabilitation after surgical management of the thrower's shoulder. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 20:1 (49-55).)

この文献やACL RECONSTRUCTION のリハビリはステージ形式にエクササイズが書いてあるので、自分で表やスプレッドシートなんかに書いておくと、復習するときとても便利です!

是非読んでみてください。 ^^

 全部が全部、プロトコールに沿って進行してはいかないので、そこは、遅れととっているエクササイズを中心に行ったりする等して、個人調整していけばいいですよね。 これに、痛みのサイエンスを教育していけば自分で回数、セット数、重量と調整できますもんね。 


意外と難しいんですよね~ 特にCLOSE KINETIC CHAIN エクササイズはバリエーションが多いですからね。(汗) どれが、次に負荷が高いか、自分でやってみないと分からないときもあります。。。 皆さん、がんばっていきましょ!!^^