Monday, December 31, 2012



I wish everyone all the best and may this year be the best ever! ^o^//

I have spent time with my classmate whom i got to know very well from Melbourne University (Masters of Physiotherapy) and we both wished for a good luck for this fresh new yr ^^


By the way, i was in the middle of crowd around the CBD in Melbourne, and I wonder if there is any good business where you can get some pocket money. Food is lame, selling gadgets is not surprising...

 Factors you need to consider would be..

  • Everyone wants a bit of surprises and ready to get carried away

    People wants to get some attention

    Something good luck 

    Everyone can try (meaning no special physical or intellectual abilities required)


    and.... my conclusion is.....


    *sweat* i will go think of it til end of 2013 LOL m(_ _)m


    Happy New Year again!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

weight and size of carry-on luggage on Australian flights -recent review on how they mean

どーも。^^ ブリスベンに12月のアタマ戻るので、いまひとつ、オーストラリアの機内持ち込み可能なアイテムについて検索してみました。暇だったので(汗)+できるだけ持ち込めたらなぁ~と思っちゃったので。^^ 欲張りですかね?でも、規則に沿ってれば何の問題もないはず。むしろ、知らない方が損ですよ。

では、見ていきましょう。下記の情報はすべて から要約した国内便に関するものです。



    • メインの荷物+小サイズの手荷物(ハンドバッグ、パース、コート、傘)=10キロまで
      • おそらくラップトップも小サイズの手荷物に入ってしまうのでは(汗)

    • ここは、流石太っ腹!値段も高いですしね。
    • 二つの手荷物で合計14キロまで。(1アイテム=7キロの計算)
    • はっきり言って、三社のなかで一番融通が利きますね!^^結構許してくれます。日本人特有の礼儀正しさを用いれば(笑)。

    •  2つの手荷物 (7キロ)+小サイズの手荷物 (ラップトップや読書用の本、雑誌など)

はっきり言って、結果的にQANATSが一番ふり幅があって、JETSTARとVIRGIN BLUEは同じぐらいですね。デカイラップトップの場合は(4キロオバー)はVIRGIN BLUEの方が合計で持ち込めますね。

上記のサイトには、詳細なサイズの図が表記してあるので、是非見てみてください。多少、会社によって、しょっちゅう変更するので、くれぐれもCHECKする事をお勧めします!! ^^

Sunday, November 11, 2012



っで、まぁ~ びっくり! (笑)


Hwee Koon Yeo, Anthony Wright, Hypoalgesic effect of a passive accessory mobilisation technique
in patients with lateral ankle pain, Manual Therapy, 2011, 373 からの見解なんですが、

  • dorsiflexion ROM increase
  • pain pressure threshold increase (indicating hypoanalgesic effect)
      • これは、moss et al, 2007 が変形膝関節症にモビライゼーションを行ったときも同じ効果が見られたみたいです。
  • 重要なのは、no significant change in patient pain report and VAS score. moreover, no improvement in ankle functional score (eg. walking upstairs, heel raises,etc)
著者は、これはもっと即効の効果を見るだけじゃなくて、短期間的に(24POST治療)とか、経過見なくちゃだめじゃね? って考えたようです。ankle functional score もいろんな質問があるから、WASH OUT効果があったかも、と。


とりあえず、靭帯系の損傷にもMANUAL THERAPYは効く。けど、PAやMEDIAL GLIDEなんかを使って、PPTを落としてから、MWMやエクササイズをして、組織の修正+中枢系の神経に痛み軽減効果があるように、なるべく痛みを最小限にしながら、関節を動かせば痛みにも効果がありそうな気がする。


エクササイズで改善していく原因は、おそらく自己治癒力を補足している+痛みに対しての脳へのADAPTATIONやFEAR AVOIDANCEを減らすことにあるのだろう。
 ここに、もし正常なMECHANORECEPTORSからの介入があり、PAIN GATING THEORYに基づく生理現象が起こっているなら、MANUAL THERAPYでも、治療のやり方を適切にSUBGROUPやTREATMENT DIRECTION MODELなんかを使って、もっと有効的に痛み軽減できるんだろうな~、と考えていた、今日この頃です。やっぱり、おおおお!っと驚かれる治療を心掛けないと。(燃)



Sunday, August 12, 2012

ITB firction syndrome

iliotibial band SYNDROME - 腸脛靱帯(ちょうけいじんたい)シンドローム


I have come across a patient with suspected ITB syndrome and I have looked into a recent concept of ITB syndrome ^^ please post up any opinions or comments regarding this topic~~ 

 ランナーによく見られる疾患の中の一つに、腸脛靱帯(ちょうけいじんたい)シンドローム。 最近の診断そして治療法について、簡単に復習した内容をみていきましょう。

 ITB friction syndrome is a misleading name for this condition as recent studies have found that it is the bursa that is compressed in between ITB and lateral epicondyle that gives rise to the pain. concept of ITB being inflamed or damaged due to friction is therefore not a strong idea.

Hallmarks of ITBS were 

  • ·         pain on weight bearing at 30° of knee flexion and

  • ·         the exacerbation of pain after having run more than 2 miles or having hiked more than 10 miles. In summary, the subjective examination in cases of ITBS has the defining characteristics of lateral knee pain with repetitive knee activity usually in a weight-bearing position and associated overtraining issues.

  • ·         diagnosis of ITBS by the history and tenderness localized at the lateral epicondyle of the femur or less commonly at the Gerdy tubercle. Concurrently, the patients did not have symptoms at the lateral joint line or popliteal tendon, and did not have signs of intraarticular disorders.

  • ·         Positive Noble compression test (compression over lateral femoral epicondyle whilst flexing the knee from flexion 90 to extension (esp. pain provoked through 30degrees of knee flexion)
o    The investigators described this as the deceleration phase, which suggests that impingement occurs during eccentric loading of the iliotibial band during the weight-acceptance phase of running

  • ·         Ober’s test postive on affected side

  • ·         Modified Thomas test

  • ·         A step down test or trendelenberg test

  • ·         Prone glut max muscle test

·         clinical management of ITBS may involve training method to control frontal plane dynamics at the knee, in addition to assessing and treating transverse plane issues

·          (1) tensor fascia lata may substitute for the posterior fibers of the gluteus medius, and

·          (2) hamstring may substitute for the gluteus maximus

o   some research findings:
  •  significant hip abductor strength deficits
  • on average, patients in the ITBS cases were tighter in the iliotibial band than control runners when the Ober test was used
  • an increased maximum knee internal rotation velocity in patients in the ITBS cases near exhaustion, which suggests fatigue-related factors
  •  abnormal segmental coordination patterns
  •  ITB is a postural muscle and the clinical finding is increased hip flexion in stance, along with a tendency for increased hip internal rotation
  •  In contrast, the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius are phasic muscles with the tendency to become lengthened and weak
  •  Subsequently, the taut and relatively stronger tensor fascia lata may dominate the weaker gluteus medius posterior and gluteus maximus, and may result in a postural pattern, including a Trendelenburg sign

Extrinsic factors

  •  Training factors, including rapid increases in mileage and hill training, can lead to iliotibial band injury.

  • increased impingement zone impact time during both downhill and slow running leads to ITBS and sprinting may result in relatively less impact time because of greater knee flexion beyond the impingement zone.

  • less experienced runners with rapid changes in mileage were at risk for ITBS, but hypothesized that intrinsic factors, including strength deficits, were necessary for extrinsic factors to cause symptoms (これは結構重要なポイントですね。ただのオバートレーニングではないと)

treatment includes:

  • acute phase management 
    • RICE 
    • +/- iontophoresis, 
    • NSAIDs
    • corticosteroid if abovementioned treatments fail
  • stretching of ITB
  • strengthening according to physical examination findings (esp. glut med, max, VMO, and ankle stabilisers)
  • soft tissue therapy to prevent adhesion
  • recovery is between 4-6 weeks to return to sport


Friday, May 18, 2012

carpal tunnel syndrome a tour of current research findings

here is my presentation for carpal tunnel syndrome with my colleagues :)
it seems it doesnt like to attach powerpoint files on here, i might refer some
useful link for everyone to refer to and think about this aspect of carpal tunnel syndrome.

it is a very good read. enjoy :)